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Sophie Cuendet

G5, Founder - Senior Executive, Team and Organizational Coach

Sophie Cuendet du Roy is a member of the 5th generation of a large enterprising family ecosystem, she has first-hand experience in the complex world of FB. While some of the legacy businesses have disappeared or been sold (Provimi / G5 / milling & agribusiness + Maison André / G4 / commodities trading), other remain actively managed by certain branches of her family (incl. Suisse Atlantique / G4 / Shipping). Her generation continues to undertake joint development and investment projects through its own family structure in real estate, agribusiness and medtech. She serves as independent Board member to one of the largest European family enterprises.

She also acts as a trusted partner for medium to large family-owned companies and family offices in their governance structuring, ownership strategy defining and transmission planification projects to stay fit for the future. Building on her rich, diverse and international business experience over the last 20 years as business woman and lawyer and then executive and team coach, she has developed in depth complementary skills, in particular legal and governance expertise, strong business & strategic acumen as well as a deep understanding of culture and relationships at leadership and ownership levels. In her work, she places particular emphasis on family and team dynamics. She proposes tools and frameworks that enhance and develop open communication, collaborative skills, collective intelligence as well as conflict prevention/resolution to build a high performance culture and family business continuity.


Ownership as the driver to resolve differences and impact lives

Case Study

Conscious ownership gives you the ability to accept, face and deal with all the unknown and brings about strength, courage, determination and the certainty deep within that you can deal with it. 

The two speakers will share with you how the shared sense of belonging and community empowered and encouraged the family to resolve differences and take the company forward in service of both the FB and the community at large. 

Going back in history, Aasiya and Samana will walk participants through the process they have initiated in accepting to own it all: the FB, the long lasting conflict history, their relationships, their individual selves as well as the unknown related to all these aspects. Change is the only thing that is constant. “The future is always unknown, but both the future of the business and the FB are yours and you have to consciously and actively own it”.

They will witness how important it is for the NxG to be aware of the impact FB have in the communities so to give them the strength, courage and determination to persevere in the face of adversity. 

They will also bring to the fore front how differences are now perceived as a strength and an opportunity to nurture creativity. 

Community Lab Large Families - How to develop a new ownership and family vision and governance structure for long term family success

Community Lab

Edouard will share the work they did as a family to develop a 2035 ownership and family vision. Long term thinking and strategy is key for long term success of family businesses. Businesses make business plans for 3 to 5 years, families think in generations. He will also share how a group of rising generation members worked on a project to review the family governance’s effectiveness, benchmarked it against other global families and suggested practical areas of improvement.

Participants in the session will learn how family structures, governance practices and vision should evolve from generation to generation to remain successful and inspiring to its members. In this interactive workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to brainstorm in smaller groups on how they can become drivers of change in their own family enterprises based on their respective family challenges and priorities.


You come from a large family / cousin consortium, with dozens or more family shareholders. Key questions: how to insure the family cohesion, what should be our diversification strategy, how to move toward a fair, agile and effective governance?

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