Mariel van Kempen
G3, CEO of Family holding Kereijn
CEO of their family holding Kereijn based in the Netherlands, owner and owner representative to the MCB Group from the Netherlands, non-executive board member in 3 family businesses, vice-chair of FBNed. Impact investor. Cultural antropologist by education.

Reinventing the owners role in a 3rd generation multi family business
Case Study
In this case study participants will learn about the transition from a G2 family-managed company to a G3 family-owned company now preparing for the transition to G4. Specific attention is paid to the development of G3 as owners group and their relationships to a full non-family executive board and non-family supervisory board: the development of ownership governance. This all happened in a time frame of 15 years where the 3 family branches had to deal with their own generational transitions as well as the transition from 4 family members being owner-managers to a full family ownership group that is not working in the business.