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Pilar Pascual

G2, President of CIVSEM, Project Family Foundation

Pilar Pascual Gómez-Cuétara, was born in Santander as second daughter. As granddaughter of businessmen from Cantabria and Castilla, she began her first sixteen working years to her great business project: Her own home. This business made her grow in her three big passions: her family and her entrepreneurial and her philanthropic callings.

As a Pascual Corporation shareholder, in 1999 she became board member of the Family Council and the Corporate Council. She holds both positions currently. Since then, her work has been focused on the family business legacy and continuity. As a result, they created Club Teype, a family office committed to serving the family’s needs; and the Tomás Pascual and Pilar Gómez-Cuétara Foundation, which she presides.

In 2007, she was member of founding team that created CIVSEM Centro de Investigación en Valores (Research Center for Human Values), the main project of the family foundation, and now continues to be president. Their mission is to develop human values in society and companies. This allows her to fulfill her entrepreneurial and philanthropic vocation.


“To be… or not to be…” Emotional Connections for Longevity

Case Study

As a Family, with shared values, and as individuals in their own personal search, we constantly face the conflict that unavoidably arises from different polarities:

· Being oneself– Not Being

· Personal Identity vs. Cultural Identity

· Shared Values: By Choice or Imposition?

· Right Brain vs. Left Brain

· Masculine Energy vs. Female Energy

What is the price that Families and organizations pay for practicing poor communication skills? How to use conflict and adversity as an opportunity to work on improving communication skills - empathy, respect and active listening – key pillars for an assertive communication.

The aim is to find a balance that allows future generations to move forward and grow in parallel as individuals and as a Family, sharing values while maintaining one´s Self and facing our differences, as enriching as they are challenging…

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